Friday, March 18, 2011


The following is a question which the inquirer agreed may be publicly revealed, and my answer:

QUESTION: I am entitled to alimony and medical insurance after my divorce? I have been married nine years and we are splitting, I would like to know if I am entitled to both alimony and medical insurance or is it one or the other. He has worked the entire marriage, I have not.

ANSWER: You are entitled to Spousal Support (alimony), based on those facts. You should retain an experienced Family Law Attorney to represent you, to seek orders pending trial or resolution of your case for Temporary Spousal Support (in an amount per your county's Spousal Support Guidelines based on your husband's gross monthly income) and Attorney's Fees, and to seek a Permanent Spousal Support order in the ultimate divorce judgment based on Family Code Section 4320 factors. If your medical insurance is provided through your husband's employment, that medical insurance is only for family members, and will end when your divorce has been granted. You would qualify to purchase COBRA coverage, for a limited period of time after the divorce, from the carrier who provided health insurance through your husband's employment. Your husband won't be required to provide health insurance to you after your divorce.

This educational blog is brought to you by DONALD F. CONVISER, a Los Angeles Certified Family Law Specalist, owner of Warner Center Law Offices in Woodland Hills in the San Fernando Valley, an effective and aggressive Los Angeles Divorce Attorney serving clients in the courts of Los Angeles and Ventura County for over 35 years, offering a free confidential consultation regarding your divorce or family law issues, at 818/880-8990,

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