Tuesday, September 13, 2011


QUESTION: We have been married 2 1/2 years. When we found out I was pregnant, my husband insisted on me staying home to care for our daughter. I have no income except from him. He wanted everything in his name only so both of our cars are in his name. Would he get custody?


You would likely get sole or primary Child Custody since you have been your daughter's primary parent since birth.

You would be entitled to receive Child Support, Spousal Support and Attorney fee orders in a divorce case.

It does not matter that the cars are only in your husband's name; if they were bought with community funds (such as your husband's income), or on community credit (such as your husband's credit during the marriage), they are community property, and the Court divides net community property 50/50.

This educational blog is brought to you by DONALD F. CONVISER, an effective and aggressive Los Angeles Family Law Attorney and Divorce Lawyer serving clients in the courts of Los Angeles and Ventura County for over 35 years,owner of Warner Center Law Offices, with offices in Woodland Hills and Century City. Call 888.632.4447 or 818.880.8990 for a free confidential consultation with a Certified Family Law Specialist to discuss your divorce or family law issues. | www.conviser.net | www.conviserfamilylaw.com |

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