Saturday, April 7, 2012


QUESTION: My husband's ex-wife died a few months ago, the two children live with us, my husband was arrested on felony charges recently, do I have legal responsibility for the children?

MY RESPONSE: No, you don't have responsibility for your step-children. The children are your husband's responsibility; I assume from your question that your husband is incarcerated, awaiting trial. If he is found guilty, he won't be available to care for the children. If he is found innocent, he will likely return to care for the children. It would be best for you to consider the children's welfare, and to await the results of trial and/or settlement of your husband's criminal trial. You might consider contacting other relatives of the children, to let them know of the dilemma - in case they may want to provide care for the children. They may want to file a guardianship case. It would be unfortunate if the children would be thrust into foster-care without at least seeking more compassionate alternatives.

This educational blog is brought to you by DONALD F. CONVISER, an effective and aggressive Los Angeles Family Law Attorney and Divorce Lawyer serving clients in the courts of Los Angeles and Ventura County for over 35 years,owner of Warner Center Law Offices, with offices in Woodland Hills and Century City. Call 888.632.4447 or 818.880.8990 for a free confidential consultation with a Certified Family Law Specialist to discuss your divorce or family law issues. | | |

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