Tuesday, January 17, 2012


QUESTION: Can my attorney of many years, who has seen my mental health records, represent my wife in a separation agreement?

MY RESPONSE: That would be a bad idea. By virtue of your prior dealings with your attorney, and his/her knowledge received therein of your mental health records and history (and likely your legal matters as well), you have a confidential relationship with your attorney, who would have a conflict of interest representing your wife unless you waive that conflict - something that you should not do. Best to contact the attorney and object to his/her representing your wife in connection with a separation agreement or anything having to do with your marriage.

This educational blog is brought to you by DONALD F. CONVISER, an effective and aggressive Los Angeles Family Law Attorney and Divorce Lawyer serving clients in the courts of Los Angeles and Ventura County for over 35 years,owner of Warner Center Law Offices, with offices in Woodland Hills and Century City. Call 888.632.4447 or 818.880.8990 for a free confidential consultation with a Certified Family Law Specialist to discuss your divorce or family law issues. | www.conviser.net | www.conviserfamilylaw.com |

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